time for change

Change Sucks: Reasons You Might Feel Like That

Psychology says that humans are behavioral creatures, who live by certain habits and behaviors created throughout their existence. What we eat, how we walk, how we speak or react to situations, are all behaviors that become habits. Some habits may be good and others bad, each having positive and negative feelings on our way of life. 

With the adverse effects of bad habits and the willingness of humans to enjoy life, we tend to want to change certain habits that affect our productivity in life. Behaviors such as; procrastination, eating habits, laziness, etc.

Subsequently, in a bid to change our lives, we encounter obstacles or rather create barriers for ourselves which makes it difficult to change our lives.

Based on psychological advice, we will be highlighting some reasons why it is difficult for us to change our lives. 

Why Change Sometimes Feeling like Sucks? Why Is So Hard For Humans To Change?

Reasons for that might be:


In the process of changing our lives, we create problems for ourselves based on personal feelings of fear, uncertainty, pain which form internal obstacles to change. 

In a bid to follow a workout plan, diet plan, we may experience discomfort or pain, which to the human mind is an antagonist to our happiness. Therefore, we find ways to avoid or end this pain, which leads to us abruptly stopping the planned change. We tell ourselves, the discomfort is too much to bear and look for an easy way out, which leads to distraction from our goal. 

Also, with change comes uncertainty, which brings about the fear of the unknown. And the human mind doesn’t thrive well in uncertainty. So, we begin to analyze how things can go wrong, whether we can achieve the planned outcome. Eventually, running away from it. 


There is also the aspect of the opinion of others. Sometimes, based on what people say to us, we conclude that it’s impossible to achieve our goal and run from it. 

What Can You Do About It?

It is hard to change your life, but it is not impossible. Yes, you may experience discomfort or pain, but it is possible to achieve your planned goal. 

Psychological advice, says instead of focusing our minds on the uncertainty of change, let’s recognize how we react to change. That means when your mind starts reacting to the pain of getting that workout done. Take a moment to stop and pay attention to how you’re reacting, then put such reaction aside and continue.

The more you recognize your reaction to change, the easier it is to overcome it. So, when you start looking for alternatives to a planned habit change because you’re uncertain if you’ll get it right. Stop and recognize how you’re reacting. Remind yourself that others have achieved this, that it is possible. Put aside such fears and continue on your change path.


Pain or gain, the human mind would rush towards gain even if short-term, than endure pain which would lead to long-term gain. It is up to you to learn to control your mind in the face of discomfort and uncertainty to successfully change your life. It is possible, and you can do it!