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Modesto Casual Encounters

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28 year old woman

I like listen to music and I watched the show is supernatural and pretty liars. I wanted for guy for me to be honest with me. how much he loves me and happiness in the living.

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34 year old woman

Rashan is the name, and I love to have fun. I'm a big fan of sports( mostly track and field or football). 5'2" cute, funnny, athletic, and very out going. Hit me up and tell me whats up.

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34 year old woman

About me: ~*I'm a PRINCESS*~ SoY dE VER. MeX, I love to go shopping and to hang out with my friends, I have changed so much, my life was a desaster but now im happy and im a very loved person, family is everything for me. my goals are to finish college and become and RN and ge

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33 year old woman

hey just to let you in on a litte info about me.. Im 5'2 yes short but i got a lot of spunk.. always happy brown hair, blue eyes a pretty smile... I like to have fun but know how and when to [[take care of buisness]] thats first.. then my fam of course so if you like then you konw what to do !

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48 year old man

Chill laid back country gentleman. respectful and honest (forget about rolling your eyes lol). I come from a pioneer farming family that planted their roots in 1850 on the west Bank of the San joaquin River right across from where the Stanislaus river feeds into it. I like the outdoors but also like to socialize by going dancing , comedy clubs, concerts, or just finding new things to do. sometimes spontaneous rarely outrageous. but I'm also cool with cooking a nice dinner and staying in for a good show or movie. hopefully you will have the same interests. so...let's go on an adventure...

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33 year old man

Good evening Lee here in modesto watcha up to getting ready to get on my Harley go to knights ferry 50’s roadhouse have a beer watch the sunset over lovers leap

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49 year old man

I’m looking for some fun! Purely casual, let yourself go with me. I enjoy everything about women and love exploring what makes them tick as individuals.

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