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Looking for the best online men dating experience? Join - your #1 local dating site where single women can find a partner in Lansing. We’ve created a convenient and reliable platform to help you find a man of your dreams and take control of your love life. Here’s how it works.

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Lansing men seeking women

Ask Value Questions

49 year old man

I am an introvert and a home body, 1 rarely will I ever reach out first. I do however, enjoy spending time in my home and backyard during the summer. I have my own pool, 1 sand volleyball and half basketball court, I last year I built a bar with all the amenities. This year (2019) I plan on extending that area to accommodate an outdoor kitchen and covered meeting area (that seats more then eight .) I do ride my motorcycle and I do ride with friends that wear colors, very familiar with most of the motorcycle clubs in the area. After a ride, we come back here and lite the grills and fire pit and bs the night away. So I’m finding that each of you want to find Mr. Right / Perfect. There’s a good chance you’ve already done that at some point in your life. Maybe he didn’t have abs of steal or a perfect smile or the wavy hair. Good chance he made you smile and he cared about what you thought. Most of you are stating that you’d like to meet someone special, but have a very stern list of what that means, that all of us must match to even see if one of us could be him.

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44 year old man

I've been with 1 woman for over 20 years. I'm not looking for a 1 night stand. I am looking for 1 lady for a FWB dating situation with intent to move forward in time.

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37 year old man

I go the gym almost daily. I like horror movies and Video games. A definite soft spot for animals. Looking for a girl to spend some time with, have fun.

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36 year old man

Hard working country boy. I'm a diesel fleet mechanic. My spare time includes softball, hunting, and fishing. Also enjoy working on other vehicles including my race truck. Fun guy to be around.

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46 year old man

If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing. LOVE WINS

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33 year old man

Hey, I'm Branden :) I'm a very centered and logical guy, with a soft spot for south park and dogs. I'll always make you laugh, and enjoy trying new things. I really cherish the good people in my life and work hard to contribute to those relationships.

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31 year old man

Working my way back into a healthy lifestyle following a major injury. I have a cat named Bean whom I adore. I love to cook as well and am always looking for new recipes or a cooking partner.

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31 year old man

Fun, Im outdoorsy, very open minded individual. Got most unique as an electoral in school and after some pretty well, anything else you want to know you just ask

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