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Hartford Casual Encounters

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29 year old woman

Hello! ? I'm thrilled to share a little about myself. I'm a beautiful, caring, selfless, and humble individual who believes in the power of genuine love. I'm not into playing games; I prefer honesty and sincerity in all my relationships.

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78 year old woman

Good sense of humor blue eyed blonde retired geriatric nurse widow since 2000 love movies setback travel trips by car train or plane plays baseball big bucket list to check off time is short let's jump on the train!!!

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33 year old woman

My Age is real age, Kik, Skype and snapchat me, i like to have a serious relationship with someone, hobbies are listening to music, watching movies, shopping, working out, and hanging out..

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33 year old woman

iTz cRaZiI HoW I JuSt gOt eXpElLED But Im cOmMiN BaK FEb 23rD Iz dhA DaY sO sTaRt yA CoUnT DoWn bEiN mE F*ck what you heard; recognize what you see. I'm hated by many, loved by few, and known by all. When people who don't ev

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34 year old man

hey guys. my name is Gordon. i am a corss dresser. looking. for a boyfriend. in Rhode island. only. live in a groups home love nicki minaj rihanna looking. for the right. one so if interested. message.feel free to message. me please ???

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25 year old man

love wrestling and cars I work on cars a lot and I do landscaping to make the cash anyways if u reading this u must be interested in me so if u want to know more about me send a message

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25 year old man

I'm 23. I live in Westfield Massachusetts. I'm male and pansexual. I'm currently single. I very interested in femboys at the moment. But still like both genders including trans. My hobbies are watching anime, listening to music and video games. I like to play a lot of music based games. And I watch

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