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Costa Mesa Casual Encounters

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67 year old woman

I'm mostly a happy go lucky person, I just go with the flow, one of those sweet and a little shy type of person. I'm more of a one on one when meeting people instead of a large group. I like spending time just doing things as a couple, i.e. going out to dinner, the movies, taking walks, stuff like that. I'm a loving, caring, honest person. I like hugging and cuddling.

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34 year old woman

About me: ~*I'm a PRINCESS*~ SoY dE VER. MeX, I love to go shopping and to hang out with my friends, I have changed so much, my life was a desaster but now im happy and im a very loved person, family is everything for me. my goals are to finish college and become and RN and ge

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56 year old woman

Lost everything this year BUT I think it has gotten so bad and full of loss this year things can only start looking up from this point on!!! I am a strong independent woman and I am definitely NOT a quitter? hopefully I will meet someone who will admire my strengths and would love to show me love

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28 year old woman

I like listen to music and I watched the show is supernatural and pretty liars. I wanted for guy for me to be honest with me. how much he loves me and happiness in the living.

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28 year old man

My name is Ryan. I live at home with my mother and my dog she's a black lab named Kira. I like to play video games and hangout with friends I'm also trying to get back into rock climbing ( I'm just to lazy to go ) and I enjoy going to the gym.

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38 year old man

I am Avery outgoing and hard working individual. I like to enjoy my time off by relaxing at home watching tv or a movie or going out to do something doesn’t really matter what just want to see and explore the world

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31 year old man

Well im an active person Mexican American i love working and later on work does pay off lol i love meeting new people if any question go ahead and ask i don't bite that's for sure haha just an update im now staying in modesto cali..

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38 year old man

easy going..likes to have funbar hopping, bowling, pool or anything outside with my dog..any other questions just ask...not sure if this app is working to

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