Hi!! my name is Linnea. My age is 24 years old, I was born and raised in a small city in Sweden and continue to live here in Preston, Lancanshire to this day. I prefer to answer about my hobbies afte...
Breakdancer, dreadhead, gamer, bookworm, bearded viking(actual heritage), ex-chef, ex-bartender, Herbalist [420] I can read, write and spell, most of the time?? Multilingual/straight forward/sarcast...
Massive nerd, love spending time pursuing my hobbies which include minitaure painting, RPGs, Airsoft & other outdoor activities, huge gamer too. Easy going guy, don't like drama. Love animals, h...
I'm easy going who likes the outside world and wants to explore different places and see wonderful things I'm also into magic as well so l watch a lot of TV yeah
Well. I am a good man, an honest, kind, loyal, considerate, loving and hardworking man who is a respectful, generous and giving person, full of passion. I have a good personality and a wonderful sens...
Hello there. I'm Thomas a massive computer nerd. I currently work as an IT Support Analyst and currently training to move into Software Development. I spend most of my free time playing Video Games on...
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